Chunyan Li's Website


University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, US

  1. International Student Achievement Award (ISAA is awarded each semester to TWO international students, one at the graduate level and one at the undergraduate level), Fall 2023
  2. SEC Emerging Scholars Fellowship (Only five receivers among all graduate students and postdocs in UofSC), AY 2022-2023
  3. George W.Johnson Graduate Fellowship $2,000, May 2022
  4. C.C. Royal Fellowship, $2,000, Apr 2022
  5. C.C. Royal Fellowship is one of the Trustee Fellowships that are awarded to full-time graduate students who exhibit excellence in graduate study, research and scholarship. Given annually by the Graduate school at the University of South Carolina.

  6. George W.Johnson Graduate Fellowship $2,000, Apr 2020
  7. Outstanding First-Year ACM Student, Sep 2018-Apr 2019

Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan province, China

  1. Xiangjiang Scholarships for excellent students, Dec 2017
  2. Scholarships for excellent students of basic subject, 4-year tuitions, Sep 2014-Jun 2018
  3. National Encouragement Scholarship, Nov 2016