CBMS Conference: Deep Learning and Numerical PDEs, 6/19-6/23, 2023
Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland
'Tracing and Forecasting Metabolic Indices of Cancer Patients Using Patient-Specific Deep Learning Models' (poster), 6/12-6/16, 2023
Mathematical and Computational Biology, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, RI
Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning 6/5-6/9, 2023
Brown University, Providence, RI
'Prognostic Models for Sepsis Based on Small Datasets', 3/25-3/26, 2023
SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Annual Meeting, Blacksburg, VA
'Prognostic Models for Sepsis Based on Short-term ICU Data', 2/10/2023
The 4th National Big Data Health Science Conference 2023, Columbia, SC
'Tracing and Forecasting Metabolic Indices of Cancer Patients Using Patient-Specific Deep Learning Models', 11/12/2022
The 40th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Raleigh, NC
'Stability analysis of cobaltcocenium employing chimstry-informed neural networks and quadratic neural networks' (poster presentation), 10/28/2022
The 2022 Made in SC Research Fellows and Faculty Conference and Celebration, Greenville, SC
'Dynamic boundary conditions' (Three minutes elevator pitch), 9/28/2022
Southeastern Conference (SEC) Emerging Scholars Career Preparation Workshop, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
'Application of Deep Learning in Chemistry and Life Science and the Experience of Pursuing my Ph.D' (invited online talk), 5/14/2022
Department of Mathematics, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, P.R. China
’An introduction to Variational Autoencoder (VAE)’, 2/25/2022
ACM student seminar, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
’An introduction to Principal component analysis (PCA)’, 10/15/2021
ACM student seminar, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC